Thursday, January 17, 2013

End time Gospel truck. a compilation of all the end time signs. distribute widely

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The second coming of Christ Jesus, the end times

This blog relate to the second coming of Christ, the end time. In this blog I have tried to enumerate various teachings and revelations relating to the second coming, the end times and the fact that Jesus Christ is near even at the door. Various references and links are provided to other sites that I believe are truthful and faithful to the Bible and its teachings about the end times, the second coming of Christ Jesus our Saviour. These events unfold in Mathew 24 and the book of Revelations. Bible Prophesy in old and new testaments all talk about end times and gives the signs thereof. The coming of our Lord Jesus is in the Bible repeated put as an event that will occur as a trap. Jesus will sure come back. Jesus is coming back. The first coming He comes as a thief to take away His Bride to an event in Heaven called the marriage supper of the lamb (revelations). Christ comes again 7 years or less later to fight a battle – the battle of Armageddon. Christ will return and be seen by all in this coming. He shall end that battle in one day and set up His Kingdom in Jerusalem.

So Jesus is coming back, the Messiah is coming again, the end times are here, the signs of his coming are all over, bible prophecy predicted it, the rapture is imminent.

The rapture of the church is the most important event in the History of the church after Calvary.  But wait a minute. Shall you be ruptured? The Bible says it shall be in a moment in the twinkling of an eye.
Shall you be ruptured?
Whenever a wedding is taking place even as the marriage supper of the lamb is a wedding party certain things are required: a wedding gown, wedding date (in the Jewish cultural only the Father of the Groom knows this date- so Jesus said of His wedding, only Our Heavenly Father knows the date when Christ comes for His Church), wedding rings, a bride, a bridegroom, and the party setting among others. Israel (seen in the Old Testament) is the wife of Jehovah; the Church is the Bride of Christ. A bride has to exhibit certain minimum qualities for the groom to go on with the wedding, such as: She must be mature- a mature bride, no one marries an infant bride. Christ will not wed an infant church one that is infant in spiritual matters- He comes ONLY for a mature church. There is no sustainable childhood. The Groom does not marry a bride who does not know him. Christ will not marry a church that has not taken time to know Him.  A bride must be found Faithfull. In between engagement (when you got born again and committed your life to Christ) and when He comes for you, you must be found to have been and lived faithful to Him. An unfaithful bride is set aside and put to shame. This is what Joseph wanted to do with Mary when he found out that she was expectant outside their relationship. God intervened and explained to Joseph that Mary was faithful to Him only that the baby she was expecting was the work of the Holy Spirit.
Many Christians today live a life that show that they don’t realize that they are engaged to Christ and a wedding to marry Him is upcoming. They live unfaithful and shall therefore be put to shame when Christ comes for His faithful bride. They live oblivious of the fact that their bride prize has already been paid (at Calvary). We were bought at a price, the Highest price possible (not by corruptible things such as silver or gold) that’s why we can only serve the Bridegroom who bought us. Once your bride prize has been paid you are now as a bride bestowed to only one man/groom- you cannot go about prostituting yourself or behaving as if you are still single and looking. You are bestowed and belong to one Man.

Even in our societies we know the need for faithfulness to our spouses and insist and demand faithfulness. Believing that Christ does not demand the same from the church is a delusion as He is God the Creator and the author of the family.
Christ will marry only a mature bride, give Him Credit, for he has allowed His bride 2000 years to mature. He is not coming for a junior-school bride or a first grader. He comes for a mature bride. Ask this: how many Christians are mature today? How many have died to themselves? How many have abandoned Christ’s rival in courtship- the other boyfriend called the world and the things that are in the world- the enticing entreatments that the rival boyfriend offers as he seeks to win you from your marriage engagement with Christ to an adulterous relationship with Him. Or do you think that this article is too fleshy and talks about the flesh? Do you think God does not see things the way they are presented here? Try Ezekiel 16 and 23 and see how intimate Jehovah gets with His wife Israel and how much He detested her adultery. Mature your Christian walk. Walk in the Spirit and you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
But take hid, the bridegroom in this case is not an earthly man who you can swear to be faithful to while continuing your side relationships; whom you get to bring up your children believing they are his while you know they are not; whom you lie to, cheat on and so on. We are taking of the King of Glory from whom NOTHING, NOTHING is hidden. We are talking of one who not only knows everything but sees the thoughts and searches the heart. A King who is not mocked and has already promised that whatsoever you saw that shall you reap. I suggest that you don’t try to fool around with a bridegroom who has indicated that He will punish His unfaithful bride by killing both her body and soul in hell. He is the almighty who is ready to judge the quick/living and the dead. He is Holy, Very Holy.
The lust of the flesh- gratifying your desires
The lust of the eyes
The pride of life
And remember: be Holy Spirit filled.

Remember JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER. If he punished sin in the past- He will do it again and again. If He demanded faithfulness of Israel in the Bible, He demands it of the Church. He is the Lord, He changes NOT. So as our world got more and more modern and cosmopolitan Jesus did not get cosmopolitan, as we got more and more adulterous and sinful Jesus remained Holy.