Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Watch the two fiery and dreadful endtimes TWO WITNESSES OF JEHOVAH GOD OF ISRAEL (Revelation 11) delivering the current message that JEHOVAH GOD OF ISRAEL is sending to the church of CHRIST at this present time. Dates: 31 March 2018-1 April 2018. Place: Nakuru Main Altar, Nakuru, Kenya. Timezone GMT+3

Watch livestream on YouTube: Find link on this page . The link will be created a few hours before the conference begins. Also, you can get the link from here . You can also watch on tv at NTV Kenya channel on Intelsat 22, Intelsat 902, Intelsat 33e and Eutelsat 10A satellites.

Ever wondered who the Two Witnesses of Revelations chapter 11 are? Where they will come from? When they will arrive? How to identify them? What they will do? Ever wondered who the woman in revelation 12 is? Who the dragon that seeks to destroy the woman is? Who the woman’s children are that the dragon goes wage war against, resulting to a never before seen bloodbirth (Rev 12:17)? Ever wondered who are the two beasts in Revelations 13? All these mysteries have finally been revealed to us by Jehovah God through His two Witnesses. WATCH THIS 8 HOUR MESSAGE THAT UNRAVELS REVELATION 11, 12 and 13. CLICK TO WATCH IT HERE, then HERE then HERE (3 PARTS). TIME IS OVER NOW!! THE TWO WITNESSES ARE HERE AND HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 14 YEARS. Let us not repeat the mistakes of the Jewish priests and the pharisees who neither recognized Elijah (John the Baptist) Matthew 17:12-13;  nor The Messiah (Jesus Christ) John 8:24; Mathew 13:55-58, when they were sent to Israel, but instead persecuted them. PREPARE TO ENTER THE WINDOW OF THE RAPTURE or meet the antichrist face-to-face.